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Executive Coaching

This is ideal if you want one-to-one support to help you achieve executive presence and make your career ambitions become a reality.

If you want to become a holistic leader who has a robust coping strategy for whatever challenges come your way, whilst inspiring and maintaining a steady ship for your team then get in touch.

Executive Coaching and Mentoring

It can be lonely at the top….

Very few people have a deep understanding of the complex responsibilities, nuanced politics and high-pressure demands of leading people, budgets and organisations to success.

- Friends and family rarely have an insight into the responsibilities and complexities of top leadership.

- The shape and scale of pressure can bring a level of stress that many people don’t fully understand.

- We sometimes develop associated lifestyle habits and behaviours that don’t serve us.

- We use so much of our energy up on the demands of the working environment that it can feel like there is little left for our home life and non-work relationships and responsibilities.

- Team members are looking to you for direction, answers, resilience and performance that you sometimes don’t feel you have.

- Things can feel personal, and now matter how much you rationalise it, being the decision maker that can’t please all of the people all of the time can create fears of not being liked, of being judged or just a general paranoia.

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Imagine being supported and guided by someone that has walked in your shoes. Who has herself turned around failing businesses, launched multi million pound success stories and built multi-award winning high performance teams.

Wouldn't it be ideal to have a flexible model of support that allows you to:

Use coaching to find your own solutions.

Have mentoring when you need some direct and expert guidance from a business strategy and leadership expert.

Be supported with deeper psychological and emotional support when you are really struggling, from someone that understands your world.


Do you want to develop powerful skills such as leadership vision, influence, and breakthrough performance, whilst releasing emotional and energetic baggage that can keep you stuck?

Elevate: The Leadership Academy for Women

Here at the Success Smith, we believe that women have natural traits that make us incredible leaders, but that sometimes hold us back. 

'Elevate: The Leadership Academy for Women' has been created to harness the very traits and characteristics that make women such incredible leaders. 

This self study training programme or in-house experience not only creates career breakthroughs, but also 'life-changing' personal transformations.

They invested in themselves and achieved incredible results. What's stopping you?


“I had stepped up to a much bigger role in the organisation and was facing quite a political environment and I was struggling to deal with it, causing me to feel uneasy, quite anxious.

As a critical thinker, I was a bit skeptical about what this might entail and whether or not it would work, but chose to give it my all anyway and trust, because I had nothing to lose and because I trusted all the work that we've done so far and the results that I'd got and how I felt... And the results were just transformational.

The sooner you do it, the better you'll feel and you'll see the results…  I just can't advocate for it anymore! It's been brilliant, really brilliant! And I would suggest anybody would take part... I wish I'd done it sooner.”

Steph Davis

Vicky W_Executive Coaching_Testimonial

"I felt that I had to prove I was good enough for the role I was in... I questioned the value I brought to the role I did... the work we did together was phenomenal... I've realised I am worthy... created boundaries, realised I can make choices and have created the element of control...

The confidence (from coaching) has made me gain, is worth the investment... don't underestimate the impact and power of it!

If I had know the impact it would've made on me, I would have done it so much sooner in my career."

Vicky Walker

“I would like to thank Victoria for the time spent with me during this transition process. I started the journey with set of emotions that were holding me to comfort zone in different aspects of my life, then ended the journey with different set of emotions that is allowing me to keep expanding and growing. It was incredible shift in my life done together. 

I’m genuinely grateful to Victoria.”

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Hala Al Garni - People & Organisation Manager


"I got a better understanding of the type of person I am... I received a framework which I return to frequently... I'm confident that with the support and coaching I've had that I'm better than I would've otherwise have been."

Roland Chavasse

"Victoria helped me understand how to confidently value myself and my worth to my employer... to assess the dynamics within my firm and my interactions with senior management, as well as by aiding in defining what was important to me in my career.... the opportunity to learn about and discuss best practice management techniques will prove priceless in the immediate future."


Stephen - Chief Investment Officer, Edmond De Rothschild


It's tough, right?

We are often faced with many pressures, insecurities and doubts that can get in the way of peak performance. Not to mention the fact that the majority of leaders have never received formal coaching, training or mentoring to support their leadership journey.

You're not alone!

If you're in need of coaching, mentoring, support or guidance on your leadership journey - whether you are just beginning, well on the way to top leadership, or already sitting at that top table, you are in the right place. Take a look at the client stories to see how I can support you.