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Discover our collection of videos which covers a range of topics from Leadership, Procrastination, Imposter syndrome to calming Breath work for use during mindfulness and when you're in a stressful situation.

We have an abundance of articles on our blog with themes varying from 'How to get a Pay Rise' to a step by step guide on 'How to Start Meditating'... There is a wealth of information to help you at your fingertips.

From podcasts to radio shows, listen to Dr Victoria Stakelum guest speak and lead on a varying range of topics such as 'How to Create Career Success', and so much more!

Discover your relative strengths and weaknesses with our Leadership Energy Assessment quiz. Or uncover your whether you're holding yourself back in our Mindset Manifestation quiz. You'll receive a fully customised report with your results.
From group masterclasses, to bespoke workshops for your organisation to key note speaking and confidence coaching - The Success Smith has the ability and expertise to support you with your requirements.

Transform your life
Discover the true essence of self-improvement and learn how to create lasting positive change in your life through a personal transformation process.
This guide will help you understand the four key steps of personal transformation, how to implement them in your own life, and what to expect on your journey of personal growth.
Let's chat!
Fed up of the self learning journey? You've read all the blogs, watched all the TED talks, listened to the podcasts and find you keep going round in circles. Perhaps you've always had coaching in the back of your mind? Bring it to the front and jump on a discovery call with me.
Let's have a chat and see how you can move forward.