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Transformative Coaching and NLP for Performance

Coaching, NLP, Business and Leadership Mentoring for Mid-Level and Senior Professionals.

Discover what some of our clients have to say about their experience with The Success Smith.


Olivia O'Connor 

"This coaching allowed me to move to a higher level of coping personally, functioning and performance in my workplace.

I have put the practice in and am now applying strategies to allow myself to live into my potential.

This is great for positive experiences but the real benefit is that moment of pause and presence allows me to cope better within the challenging experiences also.

It has given me an understanding of the power within and an ability to moderate how that is expressed and what energy I bring."

Olivia OConnor

Do you want to make a change in your life too?


“I had stepped up to a much bigger role in the organisation and was facing quite a political environment and I was struggling to deal with it, causing me to feel uneasy, quite anxious.

As a critical thinker, I was a bit skeptical about what this might entail and whether or not it would work, but chose to give it my all anyway and trust, because I had nothing to lose and because I trusted all the work that we've done so far and the results that I'd got and how I felt... And the results were just transformational.

The sooner you do it, the better you'll feel and you'll see the results…  I just can't advocate for it anymore! It's been brilliant, really brilliant! And I would suggest anybody would take part... I wish I'd done it sooner.”

Steph Davis

"My sessions with Victoria have been an essential element of my work as an executive and leader in transformative higher education. Over our nine sessions, we developed a very effective rhythm of working through ongoing challenges in a guided solutions-oriented manner. 

I appreciated Victoria’s thoughtful and professional approach as well as the wealth of experience upon which she was able to draw to help me to build pathways to make my job more sustainable, to build more resilience into my work and to help me build on my successes to make the organisation more resilient. 

My work with Victoria was the best professional leadership development I’ve participated in over nearly 20 years of academic leadership."

Pavel C

Pavel Cenkl

Katie H_Leadership_Testimonial-png

"...I got a new job at the level that I wanted - leading a team ... and the financial situation just blew my mind away - I was able to increase my salary by a third, which is just astonishing..."

Katie H

Komal_Career Power_Testimonial

"...I got 7 job offers on the table. I was seeing the rewards even before I'd finished the programme... It is really worth the investment..."


Hala - logo

Hala AlGarni - People & Organisation Manager

“I would like to thank Victoria for the time spent with me during this transition process. I started the journey with set of emotions that were holding me to comfort zone in different aspects of my life, then ended the journey with different set of emotions that is allowing me to keep expanding and growing. It was incredible shift in my life done together. 

I’m genuinely grateful to Victoria.”


“I was trying to define my direction. I felt stuck. I felt that I believed I wanted something, but I just wasn't getting where I needed to go. And I felt I just wasn't getting there fast enough.

Honestly, after I was able to really define why I wanted what I wanted… We went through several different exercises… I got a promotion to the job I actually wanted. 

I really liked when we did the release of the blockers, and I just loved the science that goes into some of the exercises.

It was an overall interesting, excellent growth experience. I'll definitely take away the entire experience for the rest of my life and definitely use the tools that were provided into managing things like ambiguity, stress, anxiety.”

The Chrysalis


“My biggest challenge was that I just felt stuck and I couldn't figure out what I was stuck about and what I needed to do... i just felt completely out of sync with my world... I just wanted to hide away. So much has changed as a result of doing The Chrysalis programme... the group was fantastic... I became "un-struggled" and found an amazing trust in myself.. exciting things have come as a result of participating in the programme... the process was great and had a lovely flow from start to finish. if you can commit to the time - do it - you will honestly not regret it! "



Iryna_you tube

"I was experiencing this internal conflict ... I just felt stuck, my mental well-being was suffering... nothing worked... I really appreciated a practical hands-on approach and thinking of how we can get there from when I finish the course...It definitely improves your relationship with your colleagues, with your partner with friends and to be honest with yourself. The value that you get from it stretches into so many directions and I can definitely say that I’m a very different person."

Kelly W

Kelly Williams_Timeline Therapy_Testimonial

"I'd been overwhelmed and needed to release anxiety and stress which was taking over my daily life...I feel so much clearer, found my self worth and confidence in myself. I can confidently say I don't feel anxious daily anymore."



" I was struggling returning to work full-time.. I needed help, I couldn't see the forest through the trees. In general I just feel lighter and less weighed down... so life-changing and truly amazing...These principles have profoundly positively impacted my life and been such a great catalyst for the direction I'm moving in my life, in my career"

Jo B

Jo B_Timeline Therapy Testimonial_Video

"I'm a lot happier and self confident... I've brought colour back into my life and made more time for myself... I feel better prepared to deal with life, the world.. and work!" "I'm a lot happier and self confident...



“I couldn't really see my future and I was angry at a lot of things... I didn't realise I was not happy and that I wasn't feeling very motivated. 

You brought up things in The Chrysalis and the techniques that you had to calm your mind if your mind starts to get into a rut of thinking negatively… different releases that you went through with anger and guilt - have helped so much.

It was hard to spend money on myself, but so worth it! I mean, I can even say I would pay much more if I had to - knowing now what I went through.”


"Before entering into The Chrysalis I felt like I had no direction… I had impostor syndrome… struggled with self-esteem, severe depression and anxiety… I wasn't getting growth opportunities at work.. I was definitely being overlooked. As a result of the Chrysalis I have learned to not just love myself but also to heal my inner child… my mom and and sister have described it as literally seeing me change from night to day.. it's been really wonderful to feel so grounded and to see physical manifestations of the changes that I have become being reflected at me. I feel so much more well equipped to face the world and the challenges ahead."

The Chrysalis
Roberta_You tube


"What brought me to The Chrysalis is that I wanted to get out of my own way and allow myself to enjoy and be successful in whatever I choose to do.

It's very easy for somebody to say - that's come through the other side and it's a bit of a cliche “invest in you / in yourself” - but it really helped me when I saw it as an investment to move forward… To be better, to be able to earn what I want to earn, live how I want to live - that's how I justified the spend on myself. It is an investment, without investment you can't get the rewards or certainly you're not going to get the rewards as fast as you can with the programme."

Karina Khizner - Managing Director, London School of Business and Finance

"Vicky very quickly - and with empathy - grasped the complex situation I faced and offered me a completely fresh perspective. Her experience leading a multi million pound business meant she was able to lend an unparalleled practical insight and advice alongside useful theoretical models - which ultimately translated into a promotion for me - an incredible result during lockdown."



Daniel Hollands - Software Engineer and Founder, 'Monumental Me'

"Victoria was working to help me develop my 'side hustle' idea but quickly helped me recognise some of my constraints were with my current employer, and helped me recognise that my ambition of reducing my hours at work wasn't a "someday" ambition but a "today" reality.

She's very good at getting to the root of the issue and asking the hard questions that need to be asked. And was genuinely interested in my progress and happy for my successes."


Julie Howe

"I started feeling like my job was my biggest issue/stress point, but I didn't really know what else I wanted to do. It became clear during the sessions that actually my biggest issues were around my tendency to take on too much, creating too many distractions and causing stress. This has allowed me to reconsider some of my commitments and find a more coherent direction. I have found the sessions have helped me to slow down and feel much calmer about everything, especially in the face of the pandemic. Victoria was very patient and very good at directing me back to the topic. Her guidance has helped me to plan my future course. I'd very much like to work with her again in the future." 

Julie Owens


Prioritise your happiness

Christine Testimonial

“I felt something missing… I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I wanted something that was going to create a sense of change… a connection to who I am and what I would like to be… I had a lot of self-limiting beliefs… I was living automatically, instead of with purpose… As a result of taking part, if challenges come up I can overcome them, I have the tools and resources to work through it. Communication with people around me is better… I have more clarity… I can see what I need to work on and notice what I might have been triggered by before. Be curious and give it a try, it's worth giving yourself time and space…”


Karen Testimonial_Chrysalis

“The biggest challenge was myself and the patterns of behaviour that I adopted from Early Childhood… insecurities… resentment, high anxiety… internalizing lots of pain. A lot of stifling in my life has resulted in illness physical illness, exhaustion, paranoia. What's changed as a result of this program is I'm much more peaceful, I like myself… I'm much more measured and I have absolutely reduce my anxieties…”


Amal Testimonial

"The challenges that brought me to The Chrysalis were speaking up and having confidence… Imposter Syndrome was loud and taking over my day-to-day life… I did burnout in the past… knowing how to prioritise ‘me’ was something that I needed to learn… I’d overwork myself to the point of not having any energy physically and emotionally. From the program I realised what I want to do and what is important to me… it's a safe environment… an investment that you do for yourself and self-care… so I would definitely say go ahead.”


"I signed up to the Chrysalis thinking it was a career-focused female empowerment programme, I was delighted to discover that it addressed whole life, identity and vision.

My objectives were to gain clarity on where my life was going. Finding myself at mid-life after a difficult period of failed IVFs, miscarriage, childlessness and surgically-induced menopause, I was directionless and suffering.

Because the programme takes place over six months, I had time to slowly, gently, gradually feel safer in my body and be supported to come back to life. Spending regular time with a compassionate peer group, with reflective homework, tools and the time to apply and learn from techniques (versus just reading about them), was the gamechanger for me. Victoria is a master coach and with a supportive group, I gradually began to find some light again, culminating in a personal vision – best of all I had the time and sounding boards to try on several different iterations, until I found the best version that fits this stage of my life.

Many one-off workshops help for a week or a month but the impact wears off. I write this testimonial four months since the programme ended, I still feel the benefits, peace, clarity and quiet energy from it that drive my life forward now with purpose and intention, and less effort because the confusing questions have lifted.  

My husband reports less tears, that I’ve grown stronger and have more joie de vivre!

Thank you Victoria!"



Emily C

"I couldn’t imagine being confident enough for this Senior Leadership role a year ago. I was worried about not knowing enough; not being assertive enough; finding the role too overwhelming and not having time for all the extra responsibilities. Then I found Victoria.
Her dedication to getting to the bottom of my insecurities and empowering me to overcome them has changed my outlook on life and given me the confidence I so needed to move forward with my career. 
The course material was so brilliantly put together and it found it amazing that The course reflected my worries and needs at every stage of the process. 
The fortnightly Zoom meetings were extremely valuable; Victoria listens so intently and has the skill and insight to turn feelings of doubt or inadequacy into positive and workable solutions. 
The group  Zoom meetings also gave me the opportunity to share with other amazing women who were going through the same journey and share in their successes.  
Thank you, Victoria. You have given me skills and strategies that will stay with me for life."

Do you believe you're worth the investment?

Lisa Tomlinson_Small Business Start Up Coaching_Testimonial

"Through the work we did together I got rid of low paying work and replaced it with much, much higher value paid work... I picked up some big projects and the profits from that meant that one month I invoiced 1.5x my annual salary from when I was employed..."

Lisa Tomlinson

"Vicky’s coaching style really suited me.  Her questioning was challenging but supportive and always made me think about obstacles from a different angle. 

I have achieved so much over the coaching programme in relation to my overall goal and I have overcome some major fears and barriers. I felt we had great rapport from the start and I looked forward to our sessions. 

Reviewing what I had achieved since starting with Vicky made me realise how far you can go in a relatively short period of time with a coach that you trust working alongside you."

Joanna Stokes

Joanna Stokes

Kirsten Phipps-Get_Testimonial

"I needed someone who was able to be insightful.. challenge me.. read where I was at and know how to move me forward. I will be forever grateful to you (Victoria) that you were able to do that for me."

Kirsten Phipps-Gett

Megan H_Leadership_Testimonial-png

"It's the best thing I've done and I would recommend it to anybody, and particularly to any woman in a leadership position. It's things you don't get taught... Things you don't learn... It will make the world of difference."

Megan H

Vicky W_Executive Coaching_Testimonial


Vicky Walker - Group Director of People at Westfield Health Group

"I felt that I had to prove I was good enough for the role I was in... I questioned the value I brought to the role I did... the work we did together was phenomenal... I've realised I am worthy... created boundaries, realised I can make choices and have created the element of control...

The confidence (from coaching) has made me gain, is worth the investment... don't underestimate the impact and power of it!

If I had know the impact it would've made on me, I would have done it so much sooner in my career."

Roland Chavasse

Roland_Leadership_Testimonial"I got a better understanding of the type of person I am... I received a framework which I return to frequently... I'm confident that with the support and coaching I've had that I'm better than I would've otherwise have been."

Claire L

Claire L_Career Power_Testimonial

"...a promotion and a massive pay increase, kind of overnight... to work on the things I want with the people I want, in a flexible way that works for me. It’s been transformative - I just feel so much calmer... more in charge now..."

Charlotte Garner

Charlotte_Mindset Coaching_Testimonial

"I felt stuck and frustrated with myself which made me question my identity and feel lost... I've got a stronger connection from where my strength comes from... I feel calmer and more relaxed about things. I have more confidence in myself. Trust the process!"

Stephen - Chief Investment Officer, Edmond De Rothschild

"Victoria helped me understand how to confidently value myself and my worth to my employer... to assess the dynamics within my firm and my interactions with senior management, as well as by aiding in defining what was important to me in my career.... the opportunity to learn about and discuss best practice management techniques will prove priceless in the immediate future."


Oana_Career Power_Testimonial

"I was incredibly frustrated - feeling overlooked, overworked, undervalued... the course has shown me that I am worth more - to know my value and how to show my value. I've had some offers which were incredible. It's had real impact on my career path... probably one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had... it's just fantastic."


"Victoria is an incredible coach when it comes to setting up and starting your business. She was the support I needed during a time when I was unsure where to go and what to do.... She listened and was great at reflecting back to me, which helped me to see if it was what I wanted.

I was nervous because I was uncertain about my business going forward, but Victoria was the person I needed to give me the confidence to start up my business. Thanks for everything!"


Stasia Banto

Kirsty_Walker_Small Business Start Up_Testimonial

"I needed support to push forward and keep momentum going... The impact (coaching has had) on my confidence is what I've noticed the most... I actually believe in myself... It's been great to have somebody who gives an honest response - I needed to be told if fear was taking over or if I was taking the more comfortable route."

Kirsty Walker

"I've rarely (if ever) seen such tenacity and dedication to bring out the best possible result. This trait is really nicely complimented by how approachable and open her attitude is.

I have found great value in not only discussing how we approach complex activities, but also discussing my professional future.

I can recommend Victoria with confidence."

Ryan Williamson

Ryan Williamson

It's never too late to make positive change in your life.

Jenny Owens

"Completely changed my mindset, resulting in positive changes.
From recommended authors and text, career tips and thought provoking questions, through to guidance on personal matters, Victoria helped offer a fresh perspective backed up by qualifications, experience and a genuine care for people. 
Victoria was so easy to talk to, refreshing and challenging enough to nudge me in the right direction - without her guidance I can confidently say I wouldn't have signed up to a Masters degree, would not have looked at such a wide range of roles and ultimately would not have secured a promotion with a significant pay increase, all within a month!
I became more confident and able to fulfill my potential in the workplace and can not thank Victoria enough for her guidance, encouragement and support. I would highly recommend the support system that is The Success Smith, especially to those who may feel a little content, bored or even 'stuck' in their role.
To anyone reading this, good luck on your personal journey and do connect with Victoria to see what opportunities are created!
What do you have to lose?"

Jenny Owens


Leigh H

"I have learnt so much about myself doing this and feel as though I have really changed my approach to things, feeling much more positive and objective.

I am taking things into my own hands, now rather than letting things just happen to me as has been the case over the last 20 years - I wish I had found you sooner!

I feel as though I have some really good tools to continue to build on, to show up as the best version of me which is great.

I have loved your approach, you have been a great sounding board during this time, and have been brilliant at helping me see my own potential (I was already self confident but there was definitely something holding me back). My role and salary increase has now all been agreed, so that's great!"

Leigh H



Time to take action!

If you're fed up of going round in circles and actually want to move forward and achieve your goals (whether that's a promotion, pay rise, start a new business, or banish that imposter syndrome- or anything else!) as our clients above have, then please don't hesitate to get in touch - even if it's just to chat through what's whirling in your mind - we are certain we can help or point you in the right direction.

No regrets...

If you've been on the fence about coaching and are unsure if it's right for you - we get it, it's a cost and commitment, however as our clients can attest, you will reap the benefits and will wonder why you didn't do this sooner!