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Leadership Coaching

Whether you're a professional individual looking to advance your career path, or looking to improve the leadership support and career services within your workplace, we've got you covered!

Thrive with your own personalised growth plan

Explore our tailored offerings designed to advance your professional and personal growth. Whether you seek bespoke executive coaching, comprehensive 360-degree feedback, or insightful DISC profiling, our services are crafted to meet your unique needs and foster genuine development.
One to One Leadership Coaching

1-2-1 Executive Coaching, mentoring, strategic guidance and psychological/emotional support

Receive a tailored package of support to meet with your specific challenges and requirements – including stress management practices, leadership training, coaching, mentoring, emotional release, mental fitness and success psychology training.


360 degree Feedback Leadership Coaching

360 Degree Feedback

A premium self-awareness-building experience in which qualitative research into perceived strengths, weaknesses, development opportunities and potential is gathered from a range of stakeholders. Dr Victoria brings deep expertise in psychology and communications to provide a more robust and qualified analysis of this feedback and present it back with a focus on sensitivity, pragmatism and insight that creates positivity, action-orientation and genuine self development.


DISC profiling Leadership Coaching

DISC Profiling

For individuals or teams – Use this powerful personality profiling tool to build and deepen your understanding of your own or your team member’s behaviours, motivation, and communication styles. DISC helps deepen team members awareness of how people think, interact and react in different situations, which creates improvements to team and individual communication, conflict resolution, team building, leadership development, and overall improved personal and professional relationships. 



Want to develop leadership skills, enhance influence, and achieve breakthrough performance while releasing emotional and energetic baggage?

Elevate: The Leadership Academy for Women

At The Success Smith, we believe women's natural traits make them incredible leaders, though they can sometimes hold them back.

"Elevate: The Leadership Academy for Women" taps into and harnesses these positive traits to foster leadership. Whilst releasing limiting beliefs and any other mental baggage which can be obstacles in career progression.

This self-study or in-house programme offers career breakthroughs and life-changing personal transformations.

They invested in themselves and have achieved incredible results. What's stopping you?


"I got a better understanding of the type of person I am... I received a framework which I return to frequently... I'm confident that with the support and coaching I've had that I'm better than I would've otherwise have been."

Roland Chavasse

"Victoria helped me understand how to confidently value myself and my worth to my employer... to assess the dynamics within my firm and my interactions with senior management, as well as by aiding in defining what was important to me in my career.... the opportunity to learn about and discuss best practice management techniques will prove priceless in the immediate future."

Stephen - no logo

Stephen - Chief Investment Officer, Edmond De Rothschild

Megan H_Leadership_Testimonial-png

"It's the best thing I've done and I would recommend it to anybody, and particularly to any woman in a leadership position. It's things you don't get taught... Things you don't learn... It will make the world of difference."

Megan H

Katie H_Leadership_Testimonial-png

"...I got a new job at the level that I wanted - leading a team ... and the financial situation just blew my mind away - I was able to increase my salary by a third, which is just astonishing..."

Katie H


Are you ready for the next level of leadership?

This quiz has been designed to show managers, aspiring leaders and ambitious professionals their leadership strengths and blind spots. In 3 minutes you'll receive actionable steps on how to develop your leadership energy.


How to Ask for a Pay rise or Promotion

The more senior your decision makers, the more likely they are to consider the hard commercial business case for your request. Here are four pillars that you can point to, to help justify your business case.


Navigating Toxic Work Cultures for Female Professionals

Toxic work environments can be incredibly stressful and emotionally draining. While it may be difficult to eliminate this environment, there are ways to manage your emotions. Read my article to discover how.


It's tough, right?

We are often faced with many pressures, insecurities and doubts that can get in the way of peak performance. Not to mention the fact that the majority of leaders have never received formal coaching, training or mentoring to support their leadership journey.

You're not alone!

If you're in need of coaching, mentoring, support or guidance on your leadership journey - whether you are just beginning, well on the way to top leadership, or already sitting at that top table, you are in the right place. Take a look at the client stories to see how I can support you.