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Presented by Dr Victoria Stakelum

Elevate: The Leadership Academy for Women

For ambitious women who want to embody executive presence and lead with confidence, compassion and clout. 


Here at The Success Smith, we believe that women have natural traits that make us incredible leaders, but that sometimes hold us back. 'Elevate: The Leadership Academy for Women' has been created to tap into harness these very characteristics. 

Elevate Leadership

In this leadership framework uniquely designed for women, you’ll develop powerful skills such as leadership vision, influence, and breakthrough performance, whilst releasing emotional and energetic baggage that can keep you stuck.

Learn how to navigate the path to leadership - and thrive (rather than just surviving), when you get there.

Discover how to succeed without having to park your integrity or 'play the game'.

Address your mindset blocks - from fear of becoming visible, to imposter syndrome, to people pleasing, to taking on too much.

Learn transformative skills - visionary leadership, emotion regulation, personal effectiveness, the language of the top table and how to create breakthrough personal and team performance.

Harness your best energy to create powerful and magnetic influence, unshakeable confidence and executive presence, for credibility and clout at the most senior levels of business.

Successful female leaders know that mindset is absolutely key to success. Whether coping with failure, creating personal effectiveness, or inspiring high performance in others, a ‘success mindset’ is not just beneficial, but essential. 

This programme is ideal for you if you are...

- An ambitious female leader.
- Currently in a Manager, Senior Manager, ‘Head of’ or Director position.
- Managing a team or another person.

- Already successful and know you’re capable of more but feel held back by fear, imposter syndrome or overwhelm. 
- Want to step up and embody inspirational and effective leadership, but worry you will struggle with pressure and politics or that you don’t know enough to be credible at the most senior levels of business.
- Believe you can’t be your authentic self and still be effective at the ‘top table’.

Elevate: Leadership Academy for Women
Elevate: Leadership Academy for Women

You'll want to sign up to this programme if...

- You’re ready to feel better and be better within your career. 
- You want to succeed and show your worth, becoming recognised and valued as an inspirational and engaging leader.
- You know you have the potential to succeed but find that confidence issues, second-guessing yourself, fear of ‘not knowing how’ and stress are holding you back. 
- You want to learn from and be mentored by an expert in leadership success for women, who has walked in your shoes and knows both the skills and mindset hacks that will allow you to experience true confidence, success and professional fulfilment.  
- You're ready to thrive, and lead with ease, confidence and composure.

Katie H_Leadership_Testimonial-png

Listen to Katie's experience of working with Dr Victoria...

"...I got a new job at the level that I wanted - leading a team ... and the financial situation just blew my mind away - I was able to increase my salary by a third, which is just astonishing..."


Which option will you choose to achieve a success mindset and elevate your career?

Elevate: Self Guided

Elevate: Yourself

Elevate: Yourself is ideal for someone who...

Always strives to do better, and be better. You are always looking to improve and are willing to put in the time and effort to advance yourself to achieve your goals.


What you'll get:

- Opportunity to book one complimentary call with Dr Victoria Stakelum to review your journey and discuss any particular challenge.

- App-based learning resources for on-demand access to the complete Elevate curriculum.

- Access to community of fellow senior professional women also on the journey to Elevate.




Elevate: Unlimited

Elevate: Unlimited is ideal for someone who...

Has aspirations to be a great, solid leader. You often seek out learning opportunities and would like access to a successful leadership mentor to help you on your journey.


What you'll get:

- Unlimited video and voice note coaching. This provides you the opportunity to be hand-held every step of the way as you embark upon this transformation to leadership confidence. Ask questions to help you unlock real time challenges you're facing, discuss your upcoming opportunities, share your reflections and be mentored every step of the way.

- App-based learning resources for on-demand access to the complete Elevate curriculum.

- Access to community of fellow senior professional women also on the journey to Elevate.


Elevate: Your Workplace

Elevate: Your Workplace is ideal for...

Businesses who want to empower and optimise the senior leaders in their workforce.

What you'll get:

- Create your own bespoke leadership programme for the women in your business or team.

- Assessed completion of modules with feedback.

- Dedicated small group coaching sessions can be made available.

- Additional 1:1 coaching, 360 feedback and DISC profiling can also be built into the experience.


"Once you begin the programme, don't be surprised if you see a rapid shift in your mindset, energy and behaviour - and that actions becomes easier!"


Questions about Elevate: The Leadership Academy for Women

It's ideal for you if you’re a business professional, entrepreneur or aspiring high-achiever looking to succeed, show your worth, become recognised and valued as an inspirational and engaging leader. You want to break free from mental blocks in your way which stop you from feeling confident, achieving your full potential and feeling happy.

If you're looking for a programme which delivers actionable information from an award winning expert in her field, that you can effortlessly apply to your own life then this is the programme for you.

This programme has been designed with exactly you in mind.

It covers and addresses all the real experiences that someone in your position faces - imposter syndrome, held back by fear, overwhelm, challenging people/situations, stress, unease with office politics and pressure - plus more!

This programme is the framework you need to tackle and eliminate these issues, so that you can feel confident, be your authentic self, successful and content in your life.

Yes, whichever way you decide to commit to the programme, you'll have access to a community of fellow senior professional women also on the journey to Elevate.

We'd recommend 6 months minimum for completion of the curriculum. This length of time will allow you to thoroughly work through the modules. However, as the curriculum is self led, it's possible to complete the programme within a couple of months if you wish.

Yes, of course!

If you've signed up to the Elevate: Yourself option, you'll automatically have access to a community of fellow senior professional women also on the journey to Elevate. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to book one complimentary call with Dr Victoria Stakelum to review your journey and discuss any particular challenge.

If you've signed up to the Elevate: with Dr Victoria option, you'll automatically have access to a community of fellow senior professional women also on the journey to Elevate. Plus you'll have voice and video coaching, mentoring and guidance with Dr Victoria Stakelum as long as you are a subscriber. This will give you the opportunity to ask questions, share reflection exercises and seek guidance throughout the journey to help you unlock any real time challenges you're facing and/or your upcoming opportunities.

The tools you’ll learn in the modules can have an instant effect on the way you think and feel in the moment.

But of course, external results in your professional environment will realistically take time.

It’s recommended to practice the tools daily and consistently for removing life-long blocks and creating permanent transformation in yourself and your professional career.

Whilst many of my clients have seen pay increases, promotions and positive career changes within months and even weeks of working together, I can’t guarantee absolute results.

This programme provides you with the essential mindset tools and practices to create the optimal conditions for success. Taking action and implementing strategies in the external world, along with this will determine your specific results and the speed in which you’ll achieve them.

Yes. There's an option to purchase a Certificate of Completion. Please note that you have to stay in the programme for at least 6 months and provide evidence of completing all of the self reflection exercises before it can be issued.


Hear what some of our clients have to say about their experiences working with Dr Victoria Stakelum.


Komal_Career Power_Testimonial

"...I got 7 job offers on the table. I was seeing the rewards even before I'd finished the programme... It is really worth the investment..."


Oana_Career Power_Testimonial

"I was incredibly frustrated - feeling overlooked, overworked, undervalued... the course has shown me that I am worth more - to know my value and how to show my value. I've had some offers which were incredible. It's had real impact on my career path... probably one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had... it's just fantastic."


Want to know more?

If you're interested and would like to have further details about the Elevate: Leadership Academy for Women programme then feel free to book in a call with Victoria who will be happy to chat through the programme and answer any questions you may have.

Let's chat!

Book in a call to have a chat with Victoria at a time and date that's convenient for you. 


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