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Business Accelerator Coaching

Start Up To Success

Here's an overview of what you will accomplish...
Clarity and Alignment

Clarity and Alignment

To create the momentum required to make a major breakthrough or get a business up and running, you need to be absolutely clear on your motivation, boundaries and ambition. 

During this phase, we get really clear on:

  • The deeper purpose that is going to keep you motivated when things are challenging
  • The way you will package things up to share with the world
  • Your personal story and the way it underpins your business and engages people in your offering. 
  • The lifestyle you want to create and support.
  • What that means for the boundaries you will need to set.

We will not fall into the trap of needing 'the perfect answer' before moving to action, but this deep reflective process will ensure you are clear on what you are creating, how to position it and who you need to be discussing it with. 

Mindset and Belief

Mindset and Belief

The most common saboteur and most often forgotten challenge when it comes to creating a breakthrough transformation into a new field, is that belief system and mindset that has been keeping you 'stuck' where you are. 

So whether it's about:

  • Confidence
  • Clarity
  • Self worth
  • Identity
  • Money blocks and stories
  • Overcoming fear and procrastination
  • Or any other inner block....

Being able to see and address these issues is going to make the difference between a long term success story and an idea that never reaches daylight, or becomes a short term 'dabble' that doesn't quite make it. 

Skillset and Strategies

Skillset and Strategies

You will be equipped with specific approaches to opening up business, growth and funding opportunities, plus a whole range of strategies and skills that will unlock freedom and success. 

Things like:

  • Who to target.
  • How to outreach.
  • The conversational approach to proposition and positioning development.
  • Telling your story effectively.
  • How to differentiate your business and stand out from the masses.
  • How to value and/or price your services.
  • The language that opens doors and closes funding bids and commercial deals.
  • Getting from conversation to committed client or customer (without feeling 'pushy').
  • How to market and create visibility around your work.
  • Breaking the relationship between time and money so you can keep the bills paid without hitting overwhelm or burnout.
  • Thinking like a commercial leader to build a plan that will create financial stability.

You will be supported to make plans, and to rapidly move from plans to action, with test and learn, iterate and repeat approaches. 

Motivation and Momentum

Motivation and Momentum

Making change happen isn't always easy.

So you'll be equipped with the keys to getting started and how to build and maintain motivation. 

Throughout your journey on the programme, you will have:

  • Ongoing support, mentoring and consultancy from your coach.
  • A series of actions to 'practise' and learn from.
  • The accountability to keep you on track and doing the things that will create clients/customers and revenues.
  • Strategies and coaching to get you over procrastination and avoidance
  • The guidance to make a difference and create traction for change. 

By focusing on the right stuff, doing what you enjoy, doing what works and ditching the rest, you catalyse the process of achieving success. 

Plus, you will benefit from the reassurance, accountability and insights that come with being guided by a multi-award nominated strategy expert with experience of starting and scaling successful small businesses since 2013.