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Small actions, huge impact

Reality Reboot

Uncover what you really want to get out of life and create an actionable plan to achieve it.

Imagine wiping the slate clean and starting again.

What would your ideal future look like and how could you achieve your desired life?

The Reality Reboot will help you realise and verbalise exactly what you want out of life and will help you get there with support every step of the way.

No stone will be left unturned as you unpack each element of your life and create your 'Big Life' vision - ultimately turning your dream life into reality.


No matter how accomplished or happy you are in life, there are always areas that could use some improvement. Think about your health, career, finances and relationships. What parts of your life have you ignored in order to focus your attention elsewhere?  The philosophy behind the process is that life is connected and we should aspire to have balance across all the areas of our existence. Therefore, it is not so much ‘work-life balance’ but recognising work as being an integral part of life, and therefore having a more holistic approach to how we attain contentment.

Here's a summary of the step by step process of what you'll accomplish...

Start Up to Success Process Overview (1)-1
When you enrol today you'll receive regular guidance, mindset and accountability coaching to keep you on track with actions that will drive transformative change in your life.

Here's a breakdown of what you'll get:

Unlimited video and voice note coaching

- Start with a review of your life currently and the changes you’d love to see to uplevel it.
- Be mentored through a structured manifestation process that is tailored around your dreams, needs and challenges.

- Ask any question at any time and receive coaching feedback within 1 working day.
- Share your challenges as they arise for support and guidance.
- Be supported to explore a range of mindset and behavioural practises align around the approaches that work for you.
- Create crystal clear clarity on how to create a life you love.

Training Portal

- Daily journalling prompt cards.

- Habits for Happiness Challenge to fast track your initial progress.


Questions about Reality Reboot

This is for you if you're feeling stuck or frustrated in one or many areas of your life and you’re keen to upgrade your experience of life.

You might not know exactly what it is that is going wrong or quite what you need, but you know that something needs to change.

You’re unsure of exactly how and where to start and you’d love a supportive, guiding presence in your life to help you figure out how to make change happen and gently hold you to account for making that change when it feels difficult or scary.


The delivery of expertise and the breadth of knowledge you’ll receive - which is entirely tailored to you!

As well as being handheld through a structured process to deliver rapid change within your life, you’ll also have unlimited access to Dr Victoria herself:

- Any support you need will be provided within one working day so you can seek support whenever you need it.
- In parallel, you’ll be proactively guided through a transformational change process that will result in major change, experienced gently.

You’ll have access to Dr Victoria Stakelum, a multi-award winning psychologist and mindset coach, whose clients rave about her insight, kindness and ability to get the best from them. You can hear from her clients here.

Once you've been set up with your subscription you'll be guided through an initial exercise to take an in depth review of all areas of your life and understand what brilliant would look like and what blocks are in your way. Victoria will then support you to identify the most high impact areas for change and together you will manifest the changes you want to see in that area of your life, busting through any resistance or blocks as you go.

Together, you will then begin working on improving other areas of your life, systematically manifesting change day by day until it becomes your habit and superpower.

You will also have access to the following:

Unlimited video and voice note coaching

- Start with a review of your life currently and the changes you’d love to see to uplevel it.
- Be mentored through a structured manifestation process that is tailored around your dreams, needs and challenges.

- Ask any question at any time and receive coaching feedback within 1 working day.
- Share your challenges as they arise for support and guidance.
- Be supported to explore a range of mindset and behavioural practises align around the approaches that work for you.
- Create crystal clear clarity on how to create a life you love.

Training Portal

- Daily journalling prompt cards.

- Habits for Happiness Challenge to fast track your initial progress.

You will identify profound insights from the outset of your journey in the Uplevelled Life process.

From there, change can occur extremely rapidly, for some, as soon as days or weeks after beginning the process. We work at a pace that is right for you and finds the balance of stretching you without throwing you into extreme discomfort as you let go of what hasn’t served you and begin building your new world, so everyone’s journey is different. However if rapid change is what you are hoping for, it is absolutely available to you.

Ready to reboot your reality?

It's time to press the reset button and get ready to achieve what you've always wanted to do!


Got questions?

No problem! Tap the button below to book in a call with me so we can go through everything you need to know!