Have you ever felt like you're locked into a situation?
How to Rekindle Your Enthusiasm When You're Feeling Lacklustre
Have you ever looked at someone and wondered how they get so much done?
At first glance, it seems incredible just how much they seem to pack into a day.
How can they do it? More importantly, why does it seem so hard for you to do half as much?
Before you fall into a pit of jealousy or bad feelings, consider this one question the next time you feel this way.
When was the last time you felt enthusiastic about your day?
Enthusiasm is the secret ingredient in every recipe for success.
Don't believe it?
Then consider the times where you've felt excited about what you were doing, whether at work or home. The thing is, anytime we wake up in the morning and can't wait to get started on the day, we're going to get things done.
Think of enthusiasm as the fuel you need if you want to knock things off your To-Do list.
The problem is, we don't always feel enthusiastic about what we're trying to do.
Either we're tired or bored with the project, or we don't see the point. It's hard to feel motivated when everything looks like the same old struggle, or worse, is too complicated even to contemplate.
So, how can you rekindle enthusiasm when it feels like the furthest thing from you?
Let me help you with this, here are 15 questions to ask yourself to help you get out of your funk.
- What Does Enthusiasm Look Like for You?
Sometimes, all you need is to act as if you already have enthusiasm.
If you don’t like what you’re doing, try remembering a time when you did feel enthusiastic.
Explore those emotions, paying special attention to the aspects of your life you enjoyed. Then ask yourself how you can apply some of those same thoughts and feelings to what you’re doing now.
While this might seem fake at first, consider this: faking energy generally leads to actual enthusiasm thanks to body chemistry and how our brains function. We really can trick ourselves into feeling enthusiastic when we really try.
- What Would You Rather Be Doing?
Maybe you need to figure out what you do feel enthusiastic about.
Is there something else that is tugging at you right now?
Is there some way you can be doing this instead for a little while to help build back a more positive (and productive) mindset?
- What are the Benefits?
If you do need to build enthusiasm for a specific task where you're just not feeling it, try looking for the good things about getting this item done.
Make a list of all the best parts about finishing this task and see if this helps you feel more enthusiastic.
If you need some help to achieve this, take a look at my YouTube video where I share a simple tool to notice where you are wasting energy and how to focus yourself more effectively, to feel better and get more done. Check out my video here.
- What are the Outcomes?
Not to be ignored are the negative results of not finding your enthusiasm.
While negative aspects of life don't always make the best motivators for building positive emotions, they can sometimes give you the added boost you need to find your enthusiasm.
For example, realising putting off talking to your boss means putting up with a miserable situation at work indefinitely might help you to feel a little more enthusiastic about speaking up now.
If this seems hard, try asking yourself the second series of questions to get you thinking, such as: “What is the eventual result of my doing nothing?” “What will this look like in a year?”
- Am I Being Challenged?
Boredom sets in easily when things are just too easy, or you’ve done them a thousand times before.
Sometimes all you need is to find a way to make things more challenging to bring back flagging enthusiasm. Ask yourself how you can take your day to the next level.
- Is There Something New You Can Add to Your Day?
Whenever we explore a new idea, learn a skill, or dig into research into an unknown topic, it's easy to find enthusiasm.
With this in mind, what's something you've been wondering about or hoping to explore? This might be a good time to take a class, pick up a new hobby or hone a skill set.
- Who Can You Call?
Maybe all you need is an outside perspective.
How about talking to a friend or mentor to bring back your enthusiasm? Ask what they think about your goals and dreams. Have a heart-to-heart about how you've been feeling and ask them to help you see things a little more clearly.
Sometimes we miss the forest for the trees and can use this outsider perspective to remind us of all the things that have brought us excitement in the past.
- What Can You Change?
Is your lack of enthusiasm rooted in something you're unhappy about in your life?
Maybe it's finally time to break an old habit that no longer serves you well and hone a new one.
The key here is to look for small ways to make changes in your life rather than tackling everything all at once. Too much change won't bring back enthusiasm so much as it can overwhelm.
Your aim should be to do enough to make you feel like you're making forward progress. You can always add in new levels of change as you go, as your enthusiasm dictates.
My new programme Reality Reboot explores this, find out more here.
- What Would This Look Like on Paper?
It's a proven fact that writing about things can help to bring clarity to a problem.
If you're no longer feeling any excitement in things that used to bring you enthusiasm, try journaling to get to the heart of the problem.
As a pro-tip, try writing this out by hand. Studies have shown writing by hand will reduce stress, anxiety and relieve some symptoms of depression, all of which might keep enthusiasm down.
- Are You Entering the Next Stage of Life?
While our daily routine might have served us for a time, we are always changing and growing.
Could it be possible you're not feeling enthusiastic because you're trying to fit your old life into a new and improved you? Or you’re simply fed up living your life the way it is and desperately want a change.
It might be time to step back and honestly evaluate your dreams and goals and the processes you use during the day to see if perhaps something no longer applies.
Enthusiasm always returns when you honour who you are right now. If you’d like to wipe the slate clean and start again then you might be interested in my programme Reality Reboot. The aim of this self led programme (with add on hand holding options with me!) is to reset your life and lead the life you really desire. You can find out more here.
- Could You Need a Mentor?
If you lack enthusiasm because you lack direction or are unsure what the next steps are, talking to an expert will go a long way toward helping rebuild excitement.
Find someone who has been where you are now and ask them how they got past this point.
Mentors are awesome because they have so much more life experience than you do (at least in some areas), and they know more than the answers to your questions. They also guide you toward the questions you should be asking.
If you think you’d benefit from extra support then get in touch, we’d be more than happy to help you figure out the next steps in your career - or in life. Book a discovery call here.
- What Have You Accomplished?
It's easy to forget our successes, especially when caught up on To-Do lists and daily life.
By revisiting the things you've done, you'll discover you've accomplished quite a lot, and by extension, might find new enthusiasm for the things you're working on right now.
- What Was Your Beginning?
If you've lost enthusiasm because you feel like you're making no progress at all in your life, it's time for a history lesson.
Where did you start in life? Where are you now?
A critical examination of your past will quickly show how far you've come, leading to new excitement linked to where you're going next.
It’s worth noting that sometimes something as simple as your own language is keeping you stuck, watch my YouTube video here where I elaborate on this.
- When Did You Last Exercise?
Sometimes we lack enthusiasm because we lack physical energy. The nice thing about exercise is it gives you more energy the more often you do it.
Pro tip: try spending at least 10 – 15 minutes doing an activity that raises your heart rate for optimal results.
- Is There Something Small You Can Do?
On occasion, all you can do is slog through and do the next thing on your list.
The very idea of getting into motion will help you to build energy and excitement, more than sitting around and doing nothing will. Of course, it can be hard to grind through every day when you lack enthusiasm, so this will take a little willpower and a good degree of stubbornness to get started.
The good news?
Once you're in motion, you're going to find yourself feeling better and better as you progress.
Consider This...
Unfortunately, we sometimes lose enthusiasm because we've lost our way.
Remember, there’s no shame in reaching out to others when you need a hand, nor do you have to suffer alone. There is always help. In the end, the best thing you can do to raise enthusiasm involves taking action. Any action.
Sitting still will never build excitement, nor will thinking endlessly about what you'd like to be doing. So with this in mind, scan your eyes back up at the questions on the list, pick one and answer it honestly, then take the next logical step you can find from there.
Keep repeating until you're moving in the right direction, and you’ll be filled with energy and enthusiasm, ready to take on every day in a big way!
Good luck and as always, please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need any help.