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Are you Burnt Out?

The Sucesss Smith
I’m sure you’ve heard this term bandied about, for some it is cited as a reason for their departure from their organisation… For others, burnout is a term they’ve first heard of from their GP signing them off work, as they didn’t recognise what was happening to them.
Burnout is a term that's been increasingly used in recent years, especially as the world navigates through the aftermath of a global pandemic. Recognising, addressing, and preventing burnout has never been more critical as it can have a detrimental effect on you and those around you.

In this article I explore what burnout is, how you can spot it and what you can do to overcome it.

What is Burnout?
In essence, burnout is a state of chronic physical and emotional exhaustion often accompanied by cynicism, detachment, and feelings of ineffectiveness. It's not just being tired from a long day or week; it's a prolonged condition that can negatively affect your health, relationships, and career.

What Leads to Burnout?
Burnout can occur for a variety of reasons, but it's often tied to prolonged periods of high stress or pressure, both in our personal and professional lives. The modern working environment, with its relentless pace and often blurred boundaries between work and home, can create a perfect storm for it.

This situation can be further exacerbated by factors such as:

·  Unmanageable workload or unrealistic expectations.

·  Lack of control over your work or feeling undervalued.

·  A toxic workplace culture or interpersonal conflicts.

·  Lack of work-life balance or insufficient time for rest and recuperation.

What are the signs of burnout?
Burnout can be subtle and insidious, sneaking up on you over time.
Key signs to look out for include:

·  Physical symptoms: Chronic fatigue, difficulty sleeping, frequent illness, headaches, or other physical complaints.

·  Emotional symptoms: Feelings of dread about work, cynicism, anxiety, or depression.

·  Performance issues: Decreased productivity, difficulty concentrating, or lower quality of work.

·  Interpersonal issues: Isolation, frustration, or conflicts with colleagues or family members.

It's crucial to remember that experiencing one or two of these symptoms doesn't necessarily mean you're experiencing burnout. It becomes a concern when these symptoms persist over a prolonged period and start affecting your wellbeing and ability to function effectively.

If you think you may be burnt out, what can you do?
If you recognise the signs of burnout in yourself, it's important to take proactive steps towards recovery:

Self-care: Prioritise rest and relaxation. This might mean setting firmer boundaries between work and home, taking time off, or investing time in hobbies and activities you enjoy.

Seek support: Reach out to trusted friends, family, or professionals. Therapy or coaching can provide valuable tools and strategies to help you navigate through burnout.

Re-evaluate: Consider if there are changes you can make to your work or personal circumstances that could reduce your stress levels. This might involve delegating tasks, addressing conflicts, or even considering a career change.

How can you prevent burnout in the first place?
Prevention is always better than cure – it’s important to note burnout doesn't have to be an inevitable part of a successful career. You should never have to push yourself to the very limit in order to be at the top of your game – in fact the opposite is true.

Try to consciously manage your workload and set realistic expectations for yourself and others. Cultivate a balanced lifestyle by ensuring you have time for relaxation and social connections. Remember, health is wealth – prioritise it! Regular exercise, a balanced diet and adequate sleep can really bolster your resilience to stress and allow you to perform at your best.

For some, it is important to seek ongoing support with regular check-ins with a coach or mentor as this can really help you maintain perspective, help you set boundaries and manage stress levels effectively.

If you're feeling the weight of burnout or even just the strain of high-stress levels, remember you're not alone. There's no need to navigate this challenging terrain by yourself. There are plenty of options you can take to stop you from reaching a level where you are no longer able to function.

As an experienced NLP Master Coach and Psychologist, I’m able to support you. If you feel you’re on the path to burnout and you think I can help, please book in a chat with me. We can discuss your unique situation, your needs, and your aspirations. I run regular power hours and masterclasses to support people in coping better with the demands of leadership, please take a look at our Events Diary to see what’s coming up next. 

This conversation could be your first step towards transformation, growth and unlocking success, often against the odds. So, don't wait for burnout to take over your life. Get in touch and let's start your journey towards a healthier, balanced, and more fulfilling professional life.