Have you ever really stopped to ask yourself, "What is my purpose?".
Chances are, you haven’t - let's face it, that question sounds a little dramatic - doesn't it?
You've never asked yourself that, not because you don’t care, but because life has a way of mapping itself out for us.
Sometimes, it’s the influence of parents or society nudging us down a certain career path.
Other times, we just go with the flow, without truly tuning into what excites us or fulfils us.
If you’ve been in the same career for years, it’s worth pausing and asking, "Is this still right for me?"
More often than not, our priorities, interests, and values shift as we grow, but we rarely stop to check if our work still aligns with who we’ve become.
This article is here to serve as a reminder to take a moment and reflect - are you truly enjoying your life and living with purpose?
The reality is, so many of us are not. But we feel stuck, believing we can’t change direction.
And so, years slip by, leading to burnout, boredom, or even life unraveling at the seams.
That nagging dullness in the pit of your stomach, the creeping dissatisfaction, the divorce, the so-called midlife crisis - these can all be signs that you’ve outgrown your old path and need to rediscover what truly lights you up.
Here are a few more questions to help you determine where you're at in life...
When you first started your career, what were your expectations? Did you picture yourself thriving, feeling fulfilled, and growing in a way that felt meaningful? Now, compare that to your reality.
Are you where you thought you’d be?
Does your work bring you the satisfaction you once imagined it would?
Have your priorities shifted, but your career has stayed the same?
Many of us set out with certain expectations, only to find that reality doesn’t match up.
Maybe you once valued stability, but now you crave creativity. Perhaps you thought a certain job title would bring you happiness, but you’ve realised it’s not about status - it’s about impact.
Recognising this disconnect is powerful because it means you can course-correct. Your younger self made career choices based on what they knew at the time, but you’ve grown, and your aspirations have evolved. It’s okay to reassess and realign.
Forget about pay checks and bills for a moment. Strip away the financial side of things and ask yourself - do you actually enjoy what you do?
Do you wake up feeling energised about the day ahead, or do you feel a sense of heaviness?
How do you feel on Sunday nights? Do you dread Mondays, or are you excited or totally at ease about diving back in?
If money weren’t an issue, would you still be doing what you do now?
These questions can reveal a lot about whether your current path aligns with your passions. If the thought of Monday morning fills you with dread, it might be time to explore a different direction.
Another common struggle is feeling stuck in a job that doesn’t align with your values.
Maybe your company is legally above board, but something about its mission or products doesn’t sit right with you.
Maybe you work for a company whose practices or products don’t fully align with your values, and it leaves you feeling uneasy.
Even if the pay check is good and you enjoy your colleagues, is it worth the internal conflict?
Ask yourself:
Does my work align with my personal values and beliefs?
Can I continue in this environment without compromising my integrity?
If not, what steps can I take to transition into something that feels right?
So, let’s say you’re ready to pivot. The next step is figuring out what it will take to move from where you are to where you want to be.
Sometimes, it means going back to school, taking an online course or learning a new skill.
The good news? There are countless affordable (and even free) resources out there to help you make that transition.
The real question is: Are you willing to put in the effort?
If the path is clear, but you hesitate to take the first step, ask yourself why.
If you’re not willing to commit, maybe you haven’t found the right direction yet - and that’s okay. Keep exploring until something clicks.
Maybe you’re not ready to leave your current job just yet, but you know something needs to change.
Before jumping ship, consider if there’s room for growth where you are now.
Could you take on new responsibilities that excite you?
Is there another department or role within your company that sparks your interest?
Would your employer support a transition into something more aligned with your goals?
Sometimes, a shift within your current workplace can reignite your passion and help you find greater purpose without a complete career overhaul.
Finding your purpose isn’t always a straight path - it’s more like a winding road with detours and unexpected turns. The key is to keep asking yourself the right questions and paying attention to what excites you, what drains you and what truly matters to you.
Your purpose isn’t necessarily one grand revelation - it’s something you uncover bit by bit, through experience, curiosity and a willingness to grow.
Keep exploring and you’ll get there.
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