The Success Smith Blog

When Your Coach is Also a Subconscious Mind and Emotion Expert… You Unlock Deeper Transformation

Written by The Success Smith Team | 9/17/24 1:51 PM


In today’s world, where personal development and emotional well-being are key to achieving our goals, having a coach who understands both the conscious and subconscious mind is invaluable. It’s a great thing to have a coach who guides you through strategies and goal setting, but working with someone who can also tap into the deeper layers of your mind and emotions is really 'next level!' 

Let’s explore the benefits of having a coach who is also an expert in the subconscious mind and emotions.


1. Deeper Understanding of Root Causes

Traditional coaching often focuses on your conscious thoughts, habits and behaviours. However, many of our challenges stem from the subconscious. A coach trained in subconscious work can help you:

  • Identify limiting beliefs that are buried deep beneath the surface.
  • Understand the emotional triggers that hold you back or cause self-sabotage.
  • Uncover your true values and blocks which prevent you from resisting change.

By addressing these at the root level, the results you’ll experience are deep, rapid and the change is filled with ease, it isn’t just surface-level improvement.


2. Emotional Mastery

Emotions play a huge role in our decision-making, productivity, and overall happiness. A subconscious mind expert can guide you through:

  • Managing intense emotions by reprogramming your automatic responses.
  • Healing past emotional wounds that may be influencing your present actions without you realising it.

With this emotional mastery, you’re more equipped to handle stress, maintain focus, and stay resilient through challenges.


3. Accelerated Personal Growth

When your coach understands how to access and influence the subconscious mind, your growth can happen much more quickly. Why?

  • You’re working on both conscious and unconscious levels, aligning your actions with your deeper desires.
  • The subconscious mind is incredibly powerful, and once it’s onboard with your goals, progress happens faster.

Think of your mind as being like an iceberg. You can see and understand the very top of it, but there's an awful lot that sits beneath the surface. So when you’re carrying an energetic, emotional or cognitive block that you've done so much work on and still feel stuck with, usually the answer is to connect with your subconscious - as Albert Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it”.

Imagine breaking through limiting patterns that have held you back for years in just a few minutes. This is the power of working with someone who can tap into your deeper mind.


4. Improved Self-Awareness

A subconscious mind expert helps you gain a heightened awareness of your inner world:

  • You begin to understand the hidden motivations behind your actions.
  • You notice how past experiences and emotions shape your current reality.

This self-awareness empowers you to make conscious, intentional choices rather than being driven by unseen forces within or blindspots.


5. Tailored and Holistic Approach

Coaching with a subconscious mind expert is not a one-size-fits-all approach. They can:

  • Tailor techniques to your individual needs, working with your unique mindset and emotional blueprint.
  • Incorporate tools like hypnosis, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), or mindfulness to complement traditional coaching methods, providing a holistic experience.

This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of you—mind, body, and emotions—works together in harmony to support your growth.


6. Long-Lasting Results

When you work on the subconscious level, you create deep, long-term shifts. These are not quick fixes or temporary solutions:

  • You reprogram old patterns that no longer serve you.
  • You replace negative beliefs with empowering ones that align with your goals.

The result? You’re not only changing your behaviour, but you’re also transforming from the inside out, which leads to sustainable success and well-being.


7. Enhanced Emotional Intelligence

An emotionally intelligent coach, who has experience and utilises methods that address your subconscious mind can help you understand your own emotional intelligence (EQ):

  • You’ll learn to recognise, understand, and manage your own emotions more effectively.
  • You’ll improve your ability to navigate relationships, communicate with others, and empathise.

Emotional intelligence is key to success in both personal and professional life. The subconscious mind is the root of all emotions because it processes and stores our beliefs, memories, and experiences, which unconsciously influence how we feel and react to situations.A coach who is an emotion expert can guide you towards mastering this essential skill.


Conclusion: A Powerful Combination

When your coach is also a subconscious mind and emotion expert, you’re not just working on your conscious goals - you’re delving deep into your inner world to create lasting transformation. This powerful combination ensures you’re not only improving your outer life but also aligning your subconscious and emotional self for true growth and success.

If you’re ready to break through barriers, accelerate your growth, and tap into your fullest potential, working with a coach who understands the subconscious mind and emotions could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

The Success Smith’s Dr Victoria Stakelum is a Master NLP Coach, Psychologist and award winning Mindset specialist. If you’re looking to make a lasting transformative change in your professional career and personal life please don’t hesitate to reach out to The Success Smith to help you achieve this. Book a Discovery call with Victoria here.