The Success Smith Blog

How to Meditate your way to Success

Written by The Success Smith Team | 9/13/23 12:41 PM


Millions of people swear by meditating, yet so many people remain skeptical or believe that they ‘can’t meditate’ or feel too busy to take the time to practice this. Well let me tell you something - it’s those who don’t meditate who often need to do it the most AND, if you think you can’t meditate because your mind is rushing around in a million directions, I want to reassure you that you can, you might just need to reframe your understanding of what meditation really is.

Meditation is a brilliant practice that involves training your mind to focus and calm down. Whether you're an overachiever, underachiever, board member or bin man - anyone and everyone who encounters any form of stress in their lives will benefit from this practice. And best of all - it’s free!

Many people find that it can be a helpful tool for finding balance within their lives, learning to regulate and manage overwhelming emotions and finding calm and space within hectic working lives.  If you’re a professional who is looking to enhance your personal and/or professional life then I’d really encourage you give meditation a try.

Still unconvinced? Read on to discover the three benefits of regular meditation:

Reduces Stress
Meditation is a powerful tool that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. During meditation, you focus your attention on your breath, the sensations on your body,  a particular object or even just a simple count. This simple act of focusing on something can help calm your mind and reduce the mental chatter that often contributes to stress. When you meditate regularly, you may start to notice that you feel more relaxed throughout the day and are better able to manage stress when it arises. Additionally, research has shown that regular meditation can help lower the levels of stress hormones in the body, such as cortisol, which can have numerous health benefits.

Improves Focus
By practicing meditation regularly, you will improve your ability to focus and concentrate on a single task or idea without getting distracted. Meditation calms the mind which helps to develop the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for decision-making, complex problem solving, emotional regulation, and focus. By regularly meditating, you will increase your ability to complete tasks with greater efficiency and accuracy. With improved focus from regular meditation, you'll be able to tackle any challenge or task with increased laser-like precision and success.

Promotes Emotional Well-being
Meditation can be incredibly helpful for your emotional well-being. By taking time each day to quiet the mind and focus on the present moment, you can help to reduce anxiety and stress. It also enables individuals to develop a greater sense of self-awareness and emotional regulation, which can be crucial for maintaining a healthy emotional state. It’s also been shown to improve feelings of empathy and compassion, which can lead to stronger relationships and a greater sense of interconnectedness with others.


Here’s my guide on where to start…

When is the best time to meditate?
The truth is, the best time to meditate is whenever it works for you. Some people prefer to meditate in the morning, as it can help set a positive tone for the day. Others prefer to meditate in the evening, as it can help them unwind and relax before bed. The key is to just get started and then be consistent.Small ‘sittings’ of just 5 minutes each day maintained over time will be far more valuable than attempting a lengthy meditation, feeling frustrated and giving up. 

Remember that meditation is a practice, and it takes time to develop. Be patient with yourself, and don't get discouraged if you find it difficult to focus at first. A key thing to remember is that the goal isn’t to ‘stop your thoughts wandering’. It is simply to develop the ability to watch those thoughts as they arrive and gently let them move on again, rather than getting caught up in them. The analogy of our mind being like a naughty puppy that keeps running off and needs to be gently brought back to its mat can be a helpful thought - when you notice that your thoughts have scampered off, gently catch them and bring yourself back to your breath without judgment or frustration. With practice, you'll find that it becomes easier to quiet your mind, tame that naughty puppy and find your inner peace.

Do I need relaxing music playing or silence to meditate?
It depends on your personal preference. Some people find that relaxing music can help them to focus and relax, whilst giving them something specific to focus on, whilst others prefer silence to better concentrate on their breath and observe their thoughts. Consider trying both options to see which works best for you.

Do I need an app or can I do this on my own?
Using a meditation app can be a great way to learn meditation basics, enhance your practice and stay motivated. However, it's important to remember that the app is just a tool and you don’t actually need this. To truly reap the benefits of meditation, it's important to work on developing your own practice and finding what techniques work best for you.

Are you ready? Let’s begin… 

Step One
Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit. Sit in a comfortable position on the floor, cushions or on a chair with your back straight (avoid lying down - you are very likely to have a snooze rather than a meditation!). Set a timer for 5-10 minutes. Close your eyes or focus your gaze on a point in front of you. Begin by taking a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on your breath and see if you can notice the temperature of your breath as you inhale and exhale. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring your focus back to your breath. Don't judge yourself if your mind wanders, simply acknowledge the thought, it and bring your focus back to your breath.

Step Two
After a few minutes of focusing on your breath, see if you can expand your awareness to your body. Can you feel the air on your skin? The tingle of your hair follicles? The beat of your heart?. Observe these sensations without judgment. If any thoughts pop in, just allow them to float off again, as if they are passing clouds in the sky. Don't try to push them away or change them, simply notice them and let them go. Notice any areas of tension or discomfort and try to release that tension as you exhale. Allow your body to relax and sink deeper into the present moment.

Step Three
Continue to concentrate on your breath and body. If you are ready to expand your awareness further, try listening intently to your surroundings. What is the furthest sound you can hear? What is the closest sound you can hear? What can you notice in the sounds of your surroundings that you haven’t noticed before? Allow yourself to be completely present with the sounds and sensations of your environment, all the while allowing any thoughts that float in to simply float on past without judgment or attachment. When your timer goes off, slowly open your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Take a moment to notice how you feel physically and emotionally. Try to carry this feeling of calm and 'centered-ness' with you throughout the day.

As you continue to practice meditation, you can gradually increase the duration of your sessions and experiment with different techniques, such as guided meditation, mantra meditation, or visualisation.

The most important thing is to find a meditation practice that feels comfortable and works for you. With time and practice, you too can experience the numerous benefits that meditation has to offer - let’s face it, who doesn’t want reduced stress, improved focus, and greater emotional well-being?!

Please give this a try and let me know how you get on. Check out my breathing practice videos on Instagram which you can save down for future reference. I hope you find them helpful.