Becoming An Unstoppable Woman Entrepreneur

In this book, leading experts and industry trailblazers share their own experiences of evolving their business growth mindsets and explain how you can achieve this too.

Book Launch March
โ€œThe journey to success requires a transformation from fear to love. Fear, if unresolved, hampers visionary clarity and courageous decision-making, impeding business prosperity. Conversely, aligning with your work and embracing love fosters motivation and vital energetic influence, connecting you to abundance and infinite possibilities.โ€

Dr Victoria Stakelum, CEO, The Success Smith

An excerpt from Dr Victoria Stakelum's chapter:


"Cultivating a Success Mindset: A Journey from Fear to Love

Across the expanse of human experience, just two forces hold the power to propel us or keep us stuck: Love and Fear.

If you want to succeed in any human endeavour โ€“ including creating a successful business - you need to know how to tap into LOVE and release yourself from FEAR.

A mindset fuelled by love is a game-changer. It connects you to a deeper resilience, resourcefulness, and passion, facilitating smoother navigation through challenges and quicker rebounds from failures. It magnetises relationships and opportunities to you and becomes the driving force that propels you forward, even in the face of adversity.

On the other hand, fear can be a formidable obstacle, manifesting as self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and a reluctance to take necessary action. Fearful lives and businesses are laden with struggle, indecision, friction, and stress.

As women entrepreneurs, this dynamic takes on a unique significance, shaping the very fabric of our professional journey.

Fostering loving alignment as a woman entrepreneur is a transformative step toward unlocking your full potential. It is not just about our mission, but about embracing the belief that there are limitless opportunities, resources, and success to go around. This contrasts with the fear-based mindset, which operates from a place of lack and limitation and can even manifest itself in physically debilitating symptoms that limit our ability to thrive. Coming from love allows us to view the universe as abundant, understanding that we are supported and worthy, and that our success doesn't diminish the success of others or make us less lovable. Embracing this perspective opens doors to a wealth of opportunities, collaborations, and creative expression, propelling your business to new heights."


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About Dr Victoria Stakelum

I support people to discover and connect to energetic freedom and create Success. 
I specialise in:
  • Providing deep emotional release work using NLP and Timeline therapy coaching for anyone who is feeling โ€™stuckโ€™ by self sabotage, emotional blocks, past trauma or dysfunctional habits, behaviours or relationships.
  • Transformational Leadership Mentoring, and helping women in particular achieve successful leadership careers by healing, connecting to confidence and learning the art of powerful feminine leadership (without sacrificing balance or integrity).
  • Helping entrepreneurs unlock business start up and scale up through a combination of mindset coaching and business skills mentoring.
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โ€œNavigating my own journey to becoming a successful woman in business has taught me that mindset is absolutely key to success. Whether coping with failure, creating personal effectiveness, or inspiring high performance in others, a โ€˜success mindsetโ€™ is not just beneficial, but essential.โ€

Dr Victoria Stakelum, CEO, The Success Smith